Player Situations


Depending on where you are in your career, you’ll likely negotiate differently in the off-season.

Even if you’re contracted, it’s worth it to stay on top of the off-season market so that you can keep tabs on your value as a player. And of course, if you’re a free agent — you’ll really want to sell yourself!

Your negotiation power comes from what people think you’re worth, based on information like what teams are interested in you and how your performance or brand was perceived during the season (or if you’re new to the scene!).

To keep your leverage as high as possible, you’ll want to stay on top of information like:

  • What changes, if any, are teams making? Who is staying, looking, or leaving?

  • What salaries and buyouts are the teams offering?

  • What are teams offering players in my role?

  • Which players are my direct competition?

This is where an agent comes in! They’re constantly talking to teams, players, press, and publishers. They’ve got other players to take care of too, so they know who those players are talking to and where they’re going. They can help you close a good contract with your dream team before your two backups lock up your role on their rosters.

An agent is your single biggest asset to help you make the best decisions at the right time in the off-season.

The Off-Season as a Player

Your want to attract attention during the off-season.

Ask people to signal boost a post that includes details like:

  • Solo Queue: accounts and ranks

  • Competitive: achievements and awards

  • Experience: past teams and personal qualities

  • Social Proof: references from coaches or peers

  • Brand: personality and sponsors, if relevant

  • Contact Info: for you and/or your agent

You can tag your references in your post, add links to online profiles elsewhere, and more. What’s important is standing out!

I’m a free agent!

Meanwhile, keep playing solo queue, preparing for interviews and tryouts, and stay updated on the off-season’s happenings.

It looks great to be motivated and grinding while you’re searching for a team, and it’ll also help you stay in meta. Keep talking to your peers, your agent, and teams you’re interested in to pick up on opportunities!

I’m under contract until a specific date.

Unfortunately, this is the most complicated scenario for you.

In League of Legends, the “Free Agency” date is usually set around mid-November. That means players under contract are not legally allowed to talk to or negotiate with other teams, unless explicit permission is given. You can probably see where this is going — most rosters are often sorted out by the time this date arrives, so you’re left with fewer options and low leverage.

If you’re interested in exploring free agency, you can negotiate for a condition to terminate your contract after the last game of the last year of your term length. With that, you can enter the market early (although you obviously won’t be paid for the rest of the contract).

If your contract is up soon, your team may approach you to talk about a contract extension. Treat this as signing a new contract!

This is your opportunity to compare the value your current team is offering with other teams and ask for changes to your terms. Ask for potential trade rights, termination rights, changes to bonuses — whatever you feel you could be happier with.

Alternatively, you might end up feeling that your value is higher than the extension they’re offering. It might be better for you to let your contract end and explore free agency, but you must do your due diligence to understand the market. If you didn’t have an agent before, it’s a good time to get one now!

I’ve got a long-term contract.